All kind of custom made typefaces
If you can't find the font you need from JL-types' selection, we can create it. We can add special characters to existing typefaces. Or we can make from your autograph a font, that is easy to use on every program.
We can convert any font to a modern webfont in all formats (EOT, SVG, and VOFF).
Different kind of devices might need bitmap fonts for monitors or LCD displays. JL-types has very long experiences abot making bitmap fonts. We can make them on several formats (Apple's NFNT Windows FON and Adoben Bitmap Distribution Font)and several character encodings.
We can add new characters to your fonts (e.g. Logos or Baltic, Cyrillic, Armenian, Georgian or Greek letters). You must have rights to use the original font and a permission to modify it. A modified font will have a new font name, that it can not be mixed with the original one. Special fonts are a practical way to build for example a logo or sign library. As an example please look at Astro typefaces, that JL-types created for the Helsinki University Almanac Office.
Ready made barcodes
We can create for your products and publications EAN, ISBN, or ISSN barcodes.
Barcodes can be delivered on different formats. We recommend PDF format for the best results. You can order individual barcodes here.
Text conversion services
Another JL-types' service is conversion of foreign language text files. If you have got e.g. a text made on different computer environment, that is impossible to open properly, JL-types can convert the text to a proper format.
Files to be converted can be as well as text or spreadsheet formats. In many cases we can convert also from very exotic and old file formats.
Planning and localizing web pages
If you have problems with the functionality of web pages - especially in foreign languages - , we can help you to find sensible solutions for them. Also these web pages are entirely made by JL-types - from the stracth. Now we are using content management system Concrete5 for creating larger web pages, as our own web pagers.
Web pages are made using simple solutions, that they would be opened without problems on all browers and on all operating systems. Our web pages are made in accordance of the W3C and CSS standards and they will work on all modern browsers. You can see easily versatile functions and clear, distinctive appearance on our web pages.
We can promise, that the new Cocrete5 version 5.7 allows to create web pages, which are editable by laymen and which provide a good readibility on both ordinary computer environments and mobile devices.
The time for delivery of special fonts and services is between one day and several weeks depending on the labour time and rush.
Please contact us and tell about you font needs or problem with foreign languages. We will tell you, how we can get ahead. I many case one phone call or email is a shot cut for rapid and reliable solution.